Cate Ritter

Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator (she/her)

Founder of Prism Bend, LLC

Founder of Prism Bend, LLC

Hi, I’m Cate Ritter, a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator and Wellness Coach. I’m passionate about guiding individuals, couples, and groups through safe and meaningful psilocybin experiences. Psilocybin has been incredibly life-changing for me, and to facilitate such experiences is a true honor and calling.

My journey into psychedelic facilitation began in 2018 with profound ayahuasca experiences in the Amazon jungle. These sacred ceremonies opened my awareness to the transformative and healing potential of psychedelics, inspiring me to dive deep into learning and gaining hands-on experience in this field.

In 2019, I continued my psychedelic journey with a transformative eight-week Curandero Initiation Training, where I was fortunate to learn from indigenous Shipibo healers in the Peruvian jungle. This experience and my time volunteering at an ayahuasca research and retreat center provided a strong foundation for my work.

In 2023, I expanded my skills by completing a 6-month Psilocybin Facilitator Training with InnerTrek. With a diverse background in the wellness industry and comprehensive psychedelic education from Oregon to Peru, I provide unique perspectives and expertise. Beyond psychedelic facilitation, I’m a trained PSYCH-K Facilitator, Biofield Tuning Sound Therapy Practitioner, HeartMath Coach, and Functional Nutritionist.

My holistic approach integrates scientific knowledge with ancient wisdom to ensure those I facilitate are safe and well-supported. I create a nurturing, intentionally curated space where individuals can fully engage with the psilocybin experience, cultivating a connection with their inner healing and transformative potential.

I look forward to helping you navigate the world of psilocybin with safety, care, and heartfelt respect for the process. Discover more about how we can work together at:

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