Justin Hamacher

MS, Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator (he/him)

Founder Cascade Jungian Services

Founder Cascade Jungian Services

Hello, I’m Justin Hamacher, an artist, Oregon licensed facilitator and Zurich trained Jungian psychoanalyst, currently a diploma candidate under the supervision of the CG Jung Institute Zurich.

Intentional work with psychedelics can take on so many different forms, each dependent on the individual, intention and setting. All experiences are unique, sometimes bringing about a minor shift, sometimes a truly life-altering opening and healing. My hope is to provide a safe, curious, relaxed and engaging container where your psyche can feel the invitation and freedom to come forward to grow and heal itself in ways that are useful for relation to your authentic self. Together we can create a safe container for your journey, and use a number of art-based and creative activities to help with your preparation, reflection and integration.

A little about me, my personal life has involved a number of paths, among them that of the artist, Jungian analyst, full-time professor at the University of Washington, diabetes researcher, illustrator, musician, designer, and creative director in the technology industry. Weaving together all the things I do, there is a unifying belief in the triumph of the human spirit and ability for the tended psyche to function in profoundly creative and healing ways.

This is an exciting time of opening for society around psychedelics, I’d be honored to accompany you on your journey.

For info, please visit www.Cascadejungianservices.org

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